Pentomino Smackdown:
Names That Didn't Make the Cut
I'd just finished my two player Pentominoes iPad app and was ready to submit it for review, when I realized my demon code spawn did not have a proper appellation. So I poured myself some hop based brain lubricant and set to work brainstorming.
I only blame myself for these
- Pentomino Steel Cage Match
- Pentomino Dogfight
- (Get Ready to) Pentomino Rumble
- Pentomino Melee
- Pentomino Battle to the Death
- Pentomino Grudge Match
- Combat Pentominoes
- Pentomino Skirmish
- Pentomino Carnage
- Pentomino Rivalry
- Pentomino Feud
- Pentomino Face-Off
- Pentomino Bout
- Pentomino Slugfest
- Pentomino Brawl
- All Out Pentomino Nuclear Attack
- Head to Head Pentominoes
- Grappling Pentominoes
- Pentomino Shoot Out
- Shoot out at the Pentomino Corral
- Pentominoes in Iraq
- Pentominoes: One on One
- Go for the Pentomino Jugular
- Clash of the Pentominoes
- Dog Eat Dog Pentominoes
- Pentomino Confrontation
- Tête-à-tête Pentominoes (hey, Space Castle 3D is huge in France! =)
- Mano-a-Mano Pentominoes
- Glorious Pentomino Asskicking
- Pentominoes Battle Royal
- Raging Pentominoes
- Is that a Pentomino in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me?
- What, do you think I'm made out of Pentominoes?
- Pentomino Brouhaha
- Pentomino Pandemonium (let's hear it for alliteration!)
- In Your Face Pentominoes
- Throw down the Pentomino Gauntlet
- I see your Pentomino and raise you twenty
- Put up your Pentomino Dukes
- Knock-down-drag-out Pentominoes
- Pentomino Riot
- Pentomino Smackdown (Yes, we have a winner!)
- Pentomino Showdown
- Pentomino Punch Out
- Super Pentomino Duel
- Quit looking at my Pentomino
- Total Pentomino Domination
... but those weren't bad enough, I couldn't leave well enough alone
- Pentomino Challenge
- Pen-Ten-Gee
- Competition Pentominoes
- Head to Head Pentominoes
- Battle Pentominoes
- Pentomino Battle
- Pentomino War
Then my brother offered to help ....
- Dueling Pentominoes
- Pentomino Duel
- Mr. Pentomino Head
- Pentominoes for Two
- Dual Pentominoes
- Pentomino Dual or Duet
- Pentominoes for Two then Sex Later
- Sexy Pentominoes for Two
- MF Dueling Pentominoes
- Two Player Pentominoes
- I Got Your Pentominoes Right Here
- Sponge Bob Square Pants Pentominoes for Two
- Pento-Duel
- Beyonce Plays Pentominoes for Deux
- Jacques Cousteau's Under Water World Pentominoes
- I Like Petominoes in June. How About You?
- Osama's Favorite Cave Game
- Two Player Pentominoes: Block Your Opponent
- Pentominoes for Pirates: AARGH!
- Porno-Pentos
- XXX Penthouse Pentominoes
- Enough Already with the Pentominoes!
BradW made a contribution...
- Pent Up Minnows
- Pentominos Panda Moni Yum
When there's a problem, Binky can't help but attack it
- Eat pentominos, shit victory
- Global Thermonuclear Pentomino War
- Buy This iPad app or so help me I'll set your house on fire
- I can't believe it's not pentominos!
- Pentominos Yum
- It's Better than Nickelback
.. and finally, ChuckB wraps it up with
- It's not Tetris!
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